Teaming For Success
Advanced Resource Technologies, Inc.’s engagement with every task begins with developing a clear understanding of requirements by listening to our clients and forming a team relationship to deliver solutions that exceed expectations.
We focus on our clients, employees and solutions, while securing and managing information, people and technology.

Security Services
We provide Network, Cyber and Information Security solutions to our clients, many of whom face challenges while integrating their information security activities with the overall agency structure and activities.

Linguistic Services
We offer over 25 years of experience and expertise developing and managing linguistic data to construct translation algorithms, test systems for Machine Translation (MT), and produce information extraction in multiple languages.

SETA Support Services
We offer a wide range of program management, logistics and technical support while working closely with our clients to plan, initiate, execute and control program tasks, costs and schedule.

SBIR/STTR Services
We provide a highly talented team to plan, manage, and coordinate technical and administrative support requirements to ensure effective processing and tracking of Phase I, II and III proposals.